Central Advisory Health & Safety Committee


CUCEPTFU sends a delegate elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term to the Concordia University Central Advisory Health & Safety Committee. The CAH&SC is a parity committee with management representatives and employee representatives. The student associations appoint student representatives.

The CAH&SC is concerned with a wide range of health and safety issues affecting the university community and with those concerns not resolved at the departmental level. Task forces and sub-committees are established to deal with specific issues as required. Recommendations for corrective action are made to the Senior Administration through the Vice-President, Services.

The current representative of CUCEPTFU at the CAH&SC is: Beverley LeBlanc bev_leblanc@yahoo.ca

Environmental Health & Safety is the office of the university responsible for health and safety.
For more information on health and safety at Concordia, please visit the EHS website at https://concordia.ca/campus-life/safety.html