Inter-Union Council
The Concordia University Inter-Union Council (IUC) is composed of the presidents of the staff and faculty unions and associations at Concordia. The council first met in January 1995. In 2007, CUFA, the union of full-time professors, and TRAC, the newly formed union of teaching and research assistants, joined the IUC.The overall objective of IUC is to improve the working conditions of its members within the context of Concordia’s mission. By fostering communication among unions, exchanging information, working together on common issues and coordinating efforts and actions, the IUC has been effective in defending the collective rights of Concordia staff and faculty.
The Council meets monthly during the academic year. Periodically, the IUC also meets with senior Concordia administrators to discuss issues of common concern. As it is an informal body, decisions are taken by consensus.
IUC Member Unions
ACUMAE Association of Concordia University Management Administration Employees
CUCEPTFU Concordia University Continuing Education Part-Time Faculty Union
CUFA Concordia University Faculty Association
CULEU Concordia University Library Employees Union
CUPEU Concordia University Professional Employees Union
CUPFA Concordia University Part-Time Faculty Association
CUSSU Concordia University Support Staff Union
CUUSS/TS Concordia University Union of Support Staff - Technical Sector
CARE Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) / Concordia Association of Research Employees
USW-LOY United Steelworkers Union, Local 9599 (Loyola)
STT des métiers de Concordia-CSN Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs des métiers de Concordia-CSN (Sir George Williams)
TRAC Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) / Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia