Labour Relations Committee


The purpose of the Labour Relations Committee is to discuss and resolve any question related to the collective agreement and labour conditions. The committee is composed of a maximum of three members from CUCEPTFU and three representatives of the university. The mandate of the CUCEPTFU representatives is two years.

The tasks of the committee include, as a preventative measure, to discuss any topic related to the interpretation and application of the collective agreement; to exchange information; to fulfill the specific mandates given by the parties in the collective agreement, to discuss any grievances, with the purpose of reaching an agreement; to discuss any organizational change; to approve the collective professional development activities; and to give the centre advice on job descriptions and selection criteria for the hiring or replacement of department administrators or academic co-ordinators. The activities of the Labour Relations Committee are covered in Article 3 of the Collective Agreement, in particular in clauses 3.07, 3.08, 3.09 and 3.10.


David Paupelain
Beverley LeBlanc
Stephen De Four-Wyre